
Flying Padre

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Flying Padre, come rescue me I love them all but it’s too long Eternity too short for me Flying Padre, don’t answer me How it was in the world you made Like a bad taste in mouth, definitly I used to laugh at you I used to wish that you were true Someday, I was […]



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I’m afraid all the time I’m afraid of the time When I die now will be past Future is optional I am happy when you come Future seems some handsome Remember to thank me twice Love your country I will rise You will tell lies I will fall Please don’t call, no, no, don’t never […]

Korova Milk


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Pars, loin d’ici. Ne te retourne pas. Sors de ma vie. Cours, un peu plus vite, mon amour, mort du mythe. Vole, un peu plus haut, mon ange, mon idole. Sortez les oripeaux ! J’avais construit un temple pour toi, un beffroi, pour nous trois. Un sanctuaire, un coffre-fort, un cachot, tout là-haut. Pleure, un plus […]



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Tu es vraiment paranormale. Je veux vraiment être ton mâle. La lumière jaillit de tes yeux, la tempête de ton souffle. Les gens s’agenouillent devant toi. Tu es métaphysique. Tu es sans erreur animale. Tu es peut-être virtuelle. Les éclairs fusent de tes doigts, tes paroles sont ma foi. Cent fois le miracle accompli, sans […]


Hey you

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Hey you ! What you want from me ? Hey you ! What you need is real. What you want, what I feel What you want is what I need. What you feel is unreal What you need is just a dream … (« Hey you » / Millipede / 2017)


Come on psycho

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Come on, come on, come on, come on, psychopathetic ! Come on, come on, come on, the referee is sick ! Wake up, wake up, wake up, the ball is on the line ! Get up, get up, get up, show me where, then I cook you fine … Check it, check it, check it, […]


Life is a fake news for the dead

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Watching the TV all night long, Remote control, my only friend, you make me strong Where will it rain tomorrow morning Weather reports, fake news, say in Syria the sun is shinning. Watching TV all day long Breaking news : Donald’s twitting a military song Hashtag North Korea I fuck you good My bomb is […]


Fuck you very much (suck my Bic ®)

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When you stay home, when you’re alone, when you Youporn ®, you need a lovely tit to pray. When you stay home and when you come, you feel handsome, you need a lovely ass to pray. Fuck you very much and please suck my Bic ® !!! You are satisfied, but a bit sad. It’s […]